Francesca Pereira
3 min readMar 28, 2024

If you are passionate about Easter, this 12- question quiz might interest you

Choose the right answer

1)Where did the tradition of making and eating hot cross buns originate?

a)Israel b)UK c)USA d)Germany e)Turkey

Hot Cross Buns

2) Which country has an open air theatre which is considered to be the largest in the world, for the purpose of staging Passion Plays ?

a) Philippines b) Israel c ) Brazil d) Italy e) Greece f) South Africa

3) Which flower is symbolic of the suffering and death of Jesus?

a)daffodil b)jasmine c)carnation d) passion flower e) poinsettia

4)The word ‘Sindonology’ means ……..

a) the study of the origin and types of sin

b) the study of The Shroud (burial cloth) in which the body of Jesus Christ was wrapped

c) the study of Mount Sinai and the Desert of Sin region

5) Which style of worship popular in medieval times ,was associated with praying or singing with a gradual extinguishing of candles so the service ends in darkness, and is also characterised by worshippers collectively making loud sounds at the end of the worship service ?

a) Tenebrae ceremony b) Good Friday Eucharistic Service c) Stations of the Cross d) Speaking in tongues e) Easter Sunday Vigil Service

6) Which flower is associated with Easter?

a)rose b) hibiscus c) lily d) lotus e)frangipani

7) Which disciple of Jesus is associated with an Easter Egg custom?

a) Simon Peter b) Thomas c) Judas d) Mary Magdalene e) Salome ……………f) Cleophas g)Nicodemus h) Joanna i) Martha

This image is a clue to help you answer question 7

8) Which city-country in modern times is famous for its annual Easter Bonnet parade?

a)Paris -France b) Milan-Italy c) Johannesburg-South Africa d) New York-USA

9) What are Easter eggs decorated in the traditional Ukrainian way called?

a) Zardosi b) Decoupage c)Pysanky d) Chinoiserie e) Batik

10) Who was the first and now famous bejewelled Faberge egg created for ?

a) Diana Princess of Wales b) Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia c)Queen Elizabeth II of Britain d) King Frederick the Great of Prussia e) Portuguese Princess Catharine of Braganza who was married King Charles II of England f) King Phillip II of Spain g) Empress Marie Antoinette of France

11) A simnel cake which is a traditional Easter cake is usually decorated with 11 marzipan balls. What or who are represented by these 11 balls and why?

a) the eleven months ahead till the next Easter month

b) the eleven apostles

12)Which apostle was known to some people living in India in his lifetime?

a) Judas b) Simon Peter c) Andrew d)Thomas e) Philip f) James



1-b . 2-c . 3-d . 4-b . 5-a . 6-c . 7-d . 8-d . 9-c . 10-b . 11-b because of the 12 apostles, Judas took his own life ….. 12)-d

